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The recovery process offers addicts a way out of active addiction. Accessing alcohol or drug treatment can be very scary and daunting, but treatment works. Addicts are accessing help and support every day for their addiction and walking through the doors of service providers, fellowships such as AA, NA amongst other fellowships too. Alternative recovery programmes are also available and do work such as SMART (Self Management and Recovery Therapy), A.C.T (Acceptance Commitment Therapy) as well as faith cantered approaches.

Abstaining from alcohol and all other drugs is necessary for recovery, however it is not the only goal of the recovery process. Learning how to live a meaningful and purposeful life without alcohol and other harmful drugs is the primary goal of recovery. The recovery process is a journey of self-discovery and a journey not a destination.

To begin the recovery process, we have to accept that we were addicts and our lives were out of control. Some of us accepted that a spiritual solution was necessary as part of our recovery journey. We had a realisation that if we were to change, we couldn’t do it by ourselves. We have to trust and involve others who have been on this journey  before us to help and guide us in the healing process from our addiction in our recovery journey.

To take responsibility and accountability for our lives and actions.

To develop an attitude of honesty in all our affairs and with others.

To have a willingness and desire to change and take on positive suggestions.

To be able to heal the underlying issues which are causing us discomfort in our lives.

To understand our relationship with a Higher Power and the God of our understanding.

To be selfless and prepared to be of service to others who are less fortunate than us.

Anyone is welcome to join us in the recovery process, the only requirement is a willingness and desire to abstain from alcohol and drugs.